We want to hear from you.

Do you have a request for the Tulsa Police Foundation?
Do you want to request our appearance, funding, or want to inspire a new initiative?
If so, please reach out.

    Name of Project or Request

    Department Requesting Project

    Any Tulsa Police Foundation funding request over $2,500 requires prior approval from the Chief's Office; has this been acquired?

    If existing, please give a brief history of the project:

    What type of project is this? (Hold CTRL to select multiples)


    Next Date of Event

    Will other groups be providing assistance?
    If yes, please explain:

    Will your group provide any assistance raising funds?
    If yes, how?

    How will the funds be used?

    Deadline to have the funds raised:

    Will any special waivers or insurance be required with your request?
    If so, who will be supplying those? (Please attach proof of insurance or other to this application)

    How will the community benefit?

    How would you like the Tulsa Police Foundation to be involved?
    AppearanceFunding RequestInitiativePass-ThroughOther

    If funds are being requested, please indicate the amount:

    What is the percentage of the total amount being requested from the Tulsa Police Foundation:

    Will you agree to advertising and social media exposure with the Tulsa Police Foundation name and logo?

    Any other information you want to provide?

    *Please note: projects may be subject up to a 5% administration fee.

    Active Initiatives

    3701 S Harvard Ave #323
    Tulsa, OK 74135
    mailing address only